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Agatha Christie had no great personal mysteries to hide -only the occasional temporary ‘disappearance’-, but she did have an exciting life to tell, beyond the fact that she enjoyed a peaceful life as a well-to-do bourgeois completely away from any unforeseen event. The pleasure of adventure can also be found in comfort, and she found it on her inseparable typewriter.

Espasa now publishes her Autobiography, an exciting journey through the not at all mysterious life of a woman educated in the principles of Victorian orthodoxy who turned crime novels into an art that has been followed by millions of readers and admirers for decades until the present day, almost half a century after her death in 1976. read the entire article: https://diario16.com/agatha-christie-la-apasionante-vida-de-una-mujer-sin-ningun-misterio/

Source: diario16.com
