Javier Rivero Grandoso is Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of La Laguna. He is a specialist in crime novels, a subject on which he has given several lectures and conferences at European and American universities. He has published numerous articles on the work of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Alexis Ravelo, Agatha Christie, Rafael Reig, Maria Antònia Oliver, etc.

He prepared the notes to the Italian edition of “Libro de poemas”, by Federico García Lorca, translated by Valerio Nardoni and edited a monograph on the crime novel in the journal La Página, the volumes Ciudades mito and Reflejos de la ciudad in the Peter Lang publishing house, the book La ciudad hostil in the Síntesis publishing house and the poetic work of the Canarian author Julián Herraiz under the title La mentira del agua and Alfabeto celoso.

He is also a specialist in Canarian literature and has edited the complete works of Julián Herraiz and Un verano en Tenerife by Dulce María Loynaz.

Director of the Antonio Lozano Cultural Chair of Criminal Genre and of the Tenerife Noir International Seminar for Research in the Noir Genre, which is held every year in March in Tenerife.


He is a lecturer in Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and a writer. In his teaching facet, his lines of research revolve around the teaching of written language and literature for young people.

As for his literary perspective, Correa’s most significant contribution to the Spanish literary scene has to do with the creation of a character who is already part of the imaginary of the modern crime novel: Ricardo Blanco.

His saga begins with Quince días de noviembre (2003) and continues with Muerte en abril (2004), Muerte de un violinista (2006), Un rastro de sirena (2009), Nuestra Señora de la Luna (2012), Blue Christmas (2013), El verano que murió Chabela (2014), Mientras seamos jóvenes (2015), El detective nostálgico (2017), La noche en que se odiaron dos colores (2019) and Las dos Amelias (2020), all published in Alba’s Novela Negra collection. His work has been translated into several languages (German, Finnish, Italian) and enjoys great success among Northern European readers, so fond of crime novels.


Miguel Aguerralde Movellán, resident in Lanzarote, is a primary school teacher and Spanish writer of novels and short stories, usually framed within the crime or noir genre, although his best-known works are part of the so-called thriller of suspense and horror. He has also worked on romantic novels and even children’s and young people’s literature. The author of more than twenty novels, he stands out as one of the leading figures on the current scene of genre literature in our country.

Within the suspense or thriller genre, he has published:

  • “Claro de Luna” 2009 and “Noctámbulo” 2010, by Idea publisher.
  • “Los Ojos de Dios” 2010 by 23 Escalones publisher.
  • “Última parada: la casa de muñecas” 2012 by 23 Escalones publisher.
  • The first two novels of his referential character Matt el Rojo, “Alicia” 2016 (Cazador publisher). It was the winner of the 2017 Ultratumba Prize for best novel.
  • “Despiértame para verte morir” 2018 (Cazador publisher).

On 1 April 2021 Miguel Aguerralde presented “Última Parada” to the public. The publishing house Cazador reissues the original 2012 novel, “Última parada: la casa de muñecas”, and accompanies it with the short novel “No podrás salir”, and two unpublished stories, “Club Poe” and “El lamento de los vivos”, in which Red Matt is also the protagonist.

This year he is going to present “El Jardín Secreto”, his last book.


Alexis Ravelo

Alexis Ravelo was a writer from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was known to the general public for his literary work dedicated to noir and crime novels, being winner of such important awards as the Hammet thanks to “La estrategia del pequinés” or the 2015 VLC Negra for “Las flores no sangran”.

He also has written librettos for some theatrical shows, lyrics for songs, television scripts, articles and reviews, as well as regularly giving literary workshops, aimed at both teenagers and beginner readers.

Blue Jeans

He was born in Seville. At the age of 18 he decided to embark on the adventure of changing careers and cities, so he moved to Madrid and started studying Journalism at the Universidad Europea. He graduated and did a master’s degree in sports journalism. He has collaborated with some media, especially sports media, but he didn’t find his place there.

“Songs for Paula” series, the author’s first and successful trilogy consisting of “Songs for Paula”, “Do you know I love you?” and “Shut me up with a kiss”. “El Club de los Incomprendidos” series, or “El Campamento” are some of their novels.

Dulce Xerach

Doctor in Architecture, graduate in Law, Master in Management of Cultural Tourism Destinations.

She has held various positions in the Public Administration for sixteen years until joining the European University of the Canary Islands.

Her area of study is the meeting places between Law, Architecture and Culture. In his spare time he writes crime novels. He works as CEO in one of the best architecture firms in the Canary Islands.

Author of the series Inspector Maria Anchieta, Death at the Venice Biennale (2022).

Mariano Gambín

He holds a degree in Law and a PhD in History from the University of La Laguna. Since 2000, he has published five books on history on his own, another two as author, and some thirty historical research articles in various scientific journals on political and social aspects of the Canary Islands after the conquest.

Ira dei, la ira de Dios, his first novel, a thriller of mystery and intrigue, was written in 2010, and its success caused Mariano to decide to continue with literary creation with his next novels, five of them published nationally by Roca Editorial (Ira dei, la ira de Dios; El círculo platónico; La casa Lercaro; El viento del diablo; and Colisión) and by Oristán ediciones (Atentado; La mansión; Premonición; Las cenizas del cielo; El oro de Mauritania; and La torre encantada).

Tony Hill

He is an author of crime and thriller novels and Spanish translator, Toni Hill studied Psychology, although he has devoted himself mainly to translation, being responsible for texts by Jonathan Safran Foer, Peter May and A. L. Kennedy, among others.

In 2011 he published his first book, “El verano de los juguetes muertos”, which has been followed by “Los buenos suicidas” and “Los amantes de Hiroshima”, completing a trilogy of great international success, as his work has been published in more than 20 countries.

Yanet Acosta

Writer, journalist and university lecturer. PhD in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and postgraduate degree in Social Media Management from Columbia University in University of New York.

She is a lecturer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid for the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and for the Master’s Degree in Journalism. Journalism and for the Master’s Degree in Cultural Journalism and is the academic director of the Master’s Degree in Communication and Gastronomic Journalism at The Foodie Studies.

She is the author of the gastronomic crime novels Matar al padre and El Chef ha muerto, as well as the short story book book of short stories Noches sin sexo and the novel No hay trabajo bueno. She is also the author of the essay Historia de la información agraria. Desde el siglo XVIII hasta la Agenda 2000 , among others.
