Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

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2 events,


Announcing parade


Pasacalle anunciador

17 events,

Intercambio de libros

Tras los pasos de Agatha Christie por Daniel Batista Artista

In the footsteps of Agatha Christie by Daniel Batista Artist

Book exchange

Book exchange

“Agatha Christie´s secret notebooks” exhibition

Exposición “Los cuadernos secretos de Agatha Christie”

Children´s storytelling

Cuentacuentos infantil

29 events,


Knitting with Miss Marple


Tejiendo con Miss Marple


Caza del tesoro

27 events,

Morning Tea

Morning Tea

Ruta “Un paseo con Agatha Christie”

Morning Tea

Morning Tea

Route “A walk with Agatha Christie”

Lanave con Agatha Christie

Lanave with Agatha Christie


Club de lectura


Book Club

34 events,


Conferencias Agatha Christie


Agatha Christie Conferences

29 events,

24 events,


Certamen de pintura al aire libre


Outdoor painting contest


Surfing Exhibition

20 events,


Jardín Botánico Open days

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